
FunCard uses processor ATMEL AT90S8515 and memory EEPROM 24LC64 or 24LC65. The processor AT90S8515 is made in several types with diferent setting of fuse bits SPIEN and FSTRT. Setting of these bits is important for using the processor in the FunCard. Setting of the SPIEN bit makes possible serial programming. Setting of the FSTRT bit means that the processor will start after reset in cca 2ms instead of 17ms. Most satelite recievers want card responding in less than 12-15ms. This is why the FSTRT must be set. The bits SPIEN and FSTRT must be activated (set to '0') to use the processor in the FunCard. The SPIEN bit is activated in a factory in all versions of the processor. The FSTRT bit of is activated in AT90S8515A only. It means that FSTRT bit of AT90S8515 must be set by parallel programmer before using in FunCard.

Attention! 'Serial' or 'parallel' means the way of communication with the processor, not the type of connection between the programmer and PC.  FunCard programmer ver.1.1A  in a page about programmers is the serial programmer even it uses the parallel port of PC. On the other side, some of the other programmers in this page are parallel even they are connected through the serial port.

For people, who have no access to the parallel programer, a simple tools, which can program SPIEN a FSTRT bits, are described in the page about the programmers.

By the way, FunCard works me fine without setting FSTRT bit, so for Seca you don't need processor with 'A' . I use Nokia9600, DVB2000 and Aston 1.03.

FunCard A front

FunCard A back

FunCard B front

FunCard B back

FunCard B - version ""
FunCard B - version ""

FunCard C front

FunCard C1